Monday, June 22, 2009

Folk art Love

A very belated and brief market round up: It's was fun, chilly though thankfully undercover, and lots of lovely stalls. The badges were a big hit. And a visit from Greg and Ruby with delicious bounty from the lebanese bakery in Newport was much appreciated. Who'd have thought Honey-sesame soft pretzels would warm cold toes! We'll be there again on the 4th july. And this time there won't be the scary deadline: organised and raring to go.

I've been doing some rescue work: from the op shop! This wee pair of lederhosen were impossible to resist. How cool is the deer! (Unfortunately the almost 13 y.o. wouldn't be seen dead in them, not even for a snapshot, not for money nor love!) so just hanging them in the craft room, (they look a bit clunky but....) and it inspired me to snap a few shots of other folky love around the house. The calico embroidered blouse underneath was my first ever european purchase in Dubrovnik, 1976. (I'm old....)

This dress was op-shopped about 14 years ago and Ruby wore it until i could no longer squeeze her in to it. It's all lovely braid stitched together. Also relegated to the craft room permanent display.

This bag is another thrifted purchase. I love the fabric and it's a useful size also! ($3= bargain))

And i received my copy of Sugar City Journal, a great little quarterly, from this lovely duo. I love hard copy inspiration! (sorry for the crap image, it doesn't do it justice one bit.) Do go have a look!

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

Oooh it's all gorgeous.