Had a moment of food dye fun with some paper folding and realised i would be quite happy being employed as an experimentor/maker in a grown-up kindergarten. I have very happy memories of my time at Kinder: it was so free, and creative and satisfying, moving from one table to the next: pasting, finger-painting, home corner, drawing, constructing...... No rules, no time constraints, no expectations. It's not often that we get the chance (as adults) to explore and experiment without purpose. So i say bring on the non-purpose, all experimental, drawing outside the lines stuff! And tonight a group of us crafty folk are going to do just that. Usually we get together every so often and sew, knit, darn, chat and eat but tonight we're going to paint. Still Lives! It should be fun, i'm raring to go. Just wish i had one of my dad's old shirts, like mum used to make us wear for art classes.

And for all that, i do have some purposeful crafting on the go. It's a very, very,
exceedingly very late (like 18months, first baby on the way late) wedding quilt for some friends. Just had to wait for the right pallette of fabrics to fall out of the stash. It's a really soft (apricot/mint/softgrey...) colourway. And will look all old and faded and lovely, mostly found fabrics and a few newies. It's had the tick of aproval from the recipient, so i'll crack on with it.

1 comment:
Hi Jane.
That (very late) quilt is going to be so romantically divine!!
I also loved the creative freedom of being a kid. Although life can sometimes get in the way a tad, my philosophy is to keep creating as though you were a kid. Fun!!
See you soon
Andi :-)
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