Saturday, May 16, 2009

Not sure what's come over me but i've been struggling with the urge to communicate. I've been busy, shuffling through piles of fabric/paper/pencils/washing/dust/wool..... hopefully some of the above will not get mixed up together as i don't think there's a market for selling piles of dirty/folded washing decorated with a sprinkling of last nights dinner swept up from the kitchen floor... and speaking of markets, my friend Deb and I have signed up for the next Yarraville market on the 6th June. I have been productive in a sort of two steps forward, three back and sidestep the washing basket on my way through. I taught another Gee's Bend class today at Amitie. Very Productive sewers (Laugh Justine!) but sorry, no pics. I've been keeping the home fires burning, cooking soups, n stews n cakey things to tide us through the cooler weather, which i'm loving. And there's much on the crafty front: socks knitted, and half-knitted, stitching and patching some hoops, constructing a platoon (?) of rockets, plus expecting a visit from Jus on tuesday and her badgemaking machine for some fun times. Meanwhile i've been feeling quiet or even shy perhaps......a little like this lady............................................................ Ok, a glass of red wine will put that to rights! Cos it is saturday night. Happy weekend everyone!

1 comment:

mixtapezine said...

no laughing from me!
see you on tuesday
jus xzx