Sunday, May 31, 2009

it's a mad, mad week....

Not sure if i've bitten off more than i can chew but this week is looking super busy. My friend Deb and i are having a stall at Yarraville market next weekend. I've been quietly toiling away, lots of stuff almost finished and some things i'm leaving til next market day. Prioritising and making lists are not my forte, BUT i'm doing my best to be organised. So my list looks something like this: sewing the bases onto a dozen wee owl-ettes and ditto for the wonky rockets. Plus making inserts for some cushions and sewing in the ends of some handknits! ** must remember coins and price tags, and some sort of packaging for the badges....... (that was its.......thursday...eek!)
ok..i can do this. most of the above is now done, cushions are becoming wall hangings instead, and i've sort've sorted packaging for the badges and now i'm packing up a bit of hand sewing for Perle 8's tonight......
Here's a glimpse of what i'll have for sale:So i'd love to see you there on Saturday, drop by and say hello! We're going under the name of twice times, ( cos there's two of us and we like a bit of A.A.Milne ). Hope every one has a lovely..L O N G weekend!

1 comment:

fi said...

good luck with the market my dear i'm sure it will be fantastic!I LOVE your cats:)