Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's not a competition... see how hot we can take it! Joke over! I get it! It's Hot, I'm hot, enough already! Now bring on Autumn.

Meanwhile, Big Day out was fun, the flags looked pretty darn amazing, Neil Young: Legend! The Prodigy: Electric and crazy fun! The crowd and the weather added up to a top day for all. And now it's almost back to normal, Life, that is.... Kids starting school on a 43.5 C day is cruel, particularly for the youngest starting big school in woolly uniform for photo's. luckily they were out of there toot sweet and hit the beach (which i thought was insane, and promptly rescued child and plonked him and friends in a cool room with lemon cordial and snacks!) And my gee's bend class is on Saturday at Amitie... (some cool weather'd be nice). I've not been very diligent blogging of late (weather - again)And i'm not big on the self promotion either so i'll do a post class round up. As all places are filled i'm sure this class will run again. There's been quite a bit of enthusiasm shown for this type of block making. All the rebels, non-sewers, virgin quilt maidens are coming out of the woodwork so i'm excited to see what fun/havoc is created. So better drag myself off the computer and get organised. Maybe one more iced drink first. Hope all melbourne-ites are keeping like, way cool!

1 comment:

62cherry said...

the flags look awesome!
thanks so much for the class today i loved it
you are ace jane xx